Save Time and Money
Save time and money by using state sources of supply. When a need is identified, check first to see if the good, service or IT solution is available from a state source of supply. Agencies and institutions can purchase from directly from state sources of supply and government entities, regardless off the dollar amount. Some multiple award state contracts do require competition within the pool above a certain dollar amount. Some sources of supply may be mandatory.
- State Agencies and Government Entities Purchase from correctional institutions and government entities. (NDCC 54-44.4-05.2)
- Other States and Federal Government - Sherry
- State Contracts - Contracts for common commodities and services.
- Rough Rider Industries (RRI) - All products made by RRI may be purchased directly by governmental and tribal agencies. (NDCC 12-48-03.1)
- Central Supply - Provides office supplies to state agencies.
- State Surplus Property - Distributes state and federal surplus property to state entities, political subdivisions, and eligible nonprofits.
- Central Duplicating - Provides printing and mailing services to state agencies.
Information Technology Department - Provides a variety of IT services. Some services are mandatory and others are optional. See Information Technology Services IT Service Catalog.
Cooperative Purchasing
State law allows OMB to enter into cooperative purchasing agreements and purchase under contracts established by the federal General Services Administration, other government entities, and cooperative purchasing organizations. Submit an Alternate Procurement to State Procurement using the Purchasing Work Request System. State Procurement must comply with the requirements of NDCC 54-44.4-13.
Work Activity Centers
State law allows any state entity or political subdivision to contract directly with work activity centers (NDCC 25-16.2-01.1): “It is in the public interest to advance employment opportunities to individuals with disabilities so that those individuals may acquire job skills and training and gain greater independence and quality of life. This state is committed to promoting self-sufficiency, integrating individuals with disabilities into our communities, and maximizing the earning potential of individuals with disabilities.”
Current List of Work Activity Centers including the goods and services they offer.
A “work activity center” is a facility, licensed by the Department of Human Services, which is located in the state and operated by a nonprofit corporation organized for the primary purpose of employing and providing rehabilitative activities for individuals with physical disabilities, developmental disabilities, or chronic mental illnesses (NDCC 25-16.2-01).
If acceptable commodities or services are produced or provided by a work activity center at fair market price, any state entity or political subdivision may enter a contract to purchase directly from the work activity center without obtaining competition (NDCC 25-16.2-04).
For questions about work activity centers, please contact the State Procurement Office at 701.328.2683.
1122 Program
This federal program allows state and local units of government to access specific Government Services Administration (GSA) schedules for purchasing in support of counter drug, emergency response, or homeland security activities. Orders must be placed through the State Point of Contact (SPOC), who is selected by the Governor. Please contact the State Procurement Office at 701.328.1721 for questions.