The purchasing card (p-card) is a credit card program administered by the Office of Management and Budget. This program allows all state agencies, higher education institutions and political subdivisions (school districts, counties and cities) to be part of the program. The state’s p-card is a MasterCard provided by JPMorgan Chase.
The p-card program saves time and money. It eliminates unnecessary paperwork and costs associated with requisitions, purchase orders, invoices and checks. The state p-card can be used to pay any vendor that accepts MasterCard as a form of payment. For more information on the p-card program, please contact the Fiscal Management Division at OMB at 701.328.4936.
- Purchasing Card Manual
- Instructions for JPMorgan Chase Agency Statement
- PeopleSoft Purchasing Card Manual
- OMB Fiscal and Administrative Policy - Policy 300 - Purchasing Card
- MCC Groups
- SFN 52163 Procurement Card Record (not required by OMB)
- SFN 59053 Card Holder Employee Agreement
- SFN 59054 Card Administrator Change Request
P-Card Brochure
State Purchasing Card Program Brochure
All state agencies must complete the Level 1 Procurement Certification Program prior to activation of their p-card. If a card holder was issued a p-card strictly for travel purposes only (MCC Group of 962), they do not need Level 1 Certification.