Saving taxpayer dollars by reutilizing state and federal surplus.
Services Offered
- Maintain tracking of North Dakota state agencies' surplus items.
- Recycle metals and electronics waste for eligible organizations.
- Distribute state, federal, and law enforcement items to eligible organizations.
- Sell state surplus items to the public.
- Learn more in the State Surplus Brochure.
It is not just agencies that receive these savings; anyone can buy at State Surplus Property. Most items that were owned by the state are available for public purchase.
North Dakota eligible organizations save over $1 million a year by reusing surplus items rather than buying new. Is your organization eligible?
Find public State Surplus Property items on GovDeals.
Search by location to find items available to the public.
Contact Us
Call us at 701-328-9665 or email
Warehouse Location
1278 Hemlock Street
Bismarck, ND
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Closed state holidays.
Mailing Address
600 E Boulevard Ave, Dept. 15
Bismarck, ND 58505