
The state and its agencies enter into numerous contracts for goods and services. These include contracts for construction, professional services, nonprofessional services, delivered supplies, and leases. These contractual relationships ordinarily have some degree of risk associated with them. There can be potential harm to state property, employees and members of the public.

The state recognizes the risks associated with a contemplated contractual relationship and has developed guidelines and recommendations to assist state employees who procure goods, services, and leases on behalf of the State of North Dakota.  These guidelines have been drafted in coordination with the State Procurement Office and Office of Attorney General to comply with the written directives of the Office of Management and Budget related to procurement, NDCC 54-44.4, and NDAC Article 4-12, as well as NDCC 32-12.2-17.

Please contact Risk Management at 701.328.7584 or your agency's Assistant Attorney General for any questions.

Contractual Risk Documents