Thursday, June 15, 2023 - 12:00 pm

The Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Human Resource Management Services (HRMS) division announced the first cohort of mentors and mentees celebrated their completion of the statewide, interagency mentorship program on Wednesday, June 7.

“I’m delighted to see that the statewide mentorship program has been a success,” said Chief People Officer Molly Herrington. “Bringing together mentors and mentees from different agencies has enabled us to provide a unique learning opportunity that will fuel team members’ growth mindset and take their leadership to the next level.”

Mentors and mentees were encouraged to set goals and hold one-on-one meetings to build relationships and hone new capabilities, while working through workplace circumstances as they arose. Additional meetings were held throughout the year with the full cohort that focused on communication, cultural competency and strengths-based leadership.

“The first year of the program involved 104 individuals from 22 different agencies, 38 of whom were in the first cohort that received their certificates of completion on June 7,” Herrington added. “Plans are underway to begin a second year of the statewide mentorship program, and we look forward to continued success as we enhance Team ND’s professional development opportunities through programs like this.”

Information on Team ND culture and career opportunities may be found at

Photo: Statewide Mentorship Program, Cohort 1