Thursday, May 30, 2024 - 10:00 am

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) along with North Dakota Legislative Council announced today that some much-needed updates have been completed in the North Dakota House and Senate Chambers and the Brynhild Haugland Room.

“We are excited to see the completion of badly needed upgrades to the historic legislative chambers and Brynhild Haugland room,” said John Bjornson, Legislative Council Director. “While preserving the tradition and history of these areas of the Capitol, the technological and physical improvements will enhance the beauty of the Capitol and the comfort for everyone using and visiting the building.”

Updates to the House and Senate Chambers include the following:

  • New heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) System, replacing 1933 original with new technology to save energy and improve comfort of space. 
  • New carpet.
  • New paint on ceilings.
  • Modified desks accommodate new pop ups with power, USB-A, USB-C, and ethernet ports. 
  • Front two rostrums were stripped and refinished.

Updates to the Brynhild Haugland Room include the following:

  • New heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) System, replacing 1933 original with new technology to save energy and improve comfort of space. 
  • New carpet.
  • New paint. 
  • New audio/video equipment.
  • New ceiling to incorporate new sound system and lighting.
  • Floor outlets added.
  • Stage closed off.

“These updates will ensure the Capitol functions optimally years to come as we continue to position ourselves for the longevity and less-complicated maintenance of the buildings on the grounds,” said John Boyle, OMB Facility Management Director.

Boyle noted that those wishing to view the updates may do so on a self-guided tour Monday through Friday, or on a guided tour seven days a week all summer.