Tuesday, January 21, 2020 - 10:30am

The State Procurement Office has a new State contract (#068-02) for athletic surfaces. Athletic surfaces include basketball courts, court resurfacing, artificial turf, etc. These contracts have been entered into via Participating Addendums under Sourcewell (formerly known as NJPA)

State Contract #068-02 Overview
Park & Recreation Equipment, Athletic Surfaces (Sourcewell Contract 060518) 

Cooperative Purchase
The cooperative Athletic Surfacing with Related Materials, Supplies, Installation, and Services contract was executed by the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) to support the needs of state entities and local municipalities. North Dakota has entered into a Participating Addendum with 2 of the 8 awarded contractors. They are as follows:

  1. FieldTurf USA
  2. Hellas Construction

North Dakota Eligible Entities
This contract is made available to other government entities, including: counties, cities, townships, institutions under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Higher Education, public primary and secondary educational entities, governmental boards and commissions, and nonprofit entities established on behalf of public entities for the purpose of purchasing.  Contact the Contract Administrator if you are not sure if you are eligible to participate.

Terms and Conditions
General terms and conditions relating to this purchasing opportunity are available through links on the Sourcewell website.  Contact the Contract Administrator for questions regarding the terms and conditions of the Participating Addendums. Products and Pricing and Ordering Instructions:

  1. Determine the product to be purchased by viewing the pricing link found under each contractor’s name link contained on the Sourcewell website located at:  https://www.sourcewell-mn.gov/search?keyword=060518.
  2. Once the determinations are made about which contractor and athletic flooring product or service to purchase, contact the contractor’s service representative to place the order. All purchases must reference Sourcewell Contract 060518.

There are currently 2 of the 8 contractors from which to purchase. Contact Gabriel Hoggard, State Procurement Officer, 701.328.2740 for more information.