Thursday, June 2, 2022 - 11:30 pm

The OMB State Procurement Office announces new State Contract #917. This contract is a cooperative contract through NASPO ValuePoint for information technology research and advisory services. Contract awarded to three contractors:

  • Forrester Research Inc.
  • Gartner Inc.
  • ISG Public Sector

Scope of the contract includes:

  • IT business advice, objective IT research, and IT data that is thematic, prescriptive, and executable, and that provides a comprehensive perspective on the rapidly changing IT environment;
  • Access to an online database containing IT research articles;
  • Response to over the phone inquiries regarding published articles and direction on other available resources;
  • Advisory services regarding strategic and tactical planning for customer’s IT policy development; and
  • On‐site workshops, advisory engagements, and conferences on IT related topics.

Benefits of the contract include:

  • Availability of IT research and advisory services to support IT governance and decision making
  • Agreements offer not to exceed maximum pricing while offering the ability to negotiate down
  • Agreements offer a wide range of pricing options to accommodate all budgets

Pricing and further details of the contract are found on OMB’s website. Select "List State Contracts" and then select State Contract #917, IT Research and Advisory Services Pool.

Questions? Contact Angie Scherbenske, 701.328.2779