Wednesday, June 24, 2020 - 12:00 pm

The OMB State Procurement Office announced an update to Verizon under state contract #915 Cell Phones - Wireless Communication and Equipment.

The State of ND is executing new Participating Addendums with the wireless providers. Verizon is now in the process of transitioning the accounts to the new contract. The person designated to handle the Verizon account within your agency will receive an email link to approve when your account is ready. This may take up to a few months due to the large volume as this transition impacts all States under the master NASPO contract.

All existing plans will continue and you will not see any increase in price. However, they do offer some additional plans that may provide some cost savings. Feel free to reach out to Katie Schloss ( or 701-226-8001) for more info on these upcoming plans.

The new Participating Addendum for AT&T has not been signed yet, will keep you posted if it requires any transition activities.

For questions contact Tricia Opp,, 701.328.1721.