Monday, September 16, 2019 - 09:30 am

The south side of the North Dakota State Capitol Building will be getting a couple of upgrades. The North Dakota Capitol sign that is located on the south capitol mall area will be replaced, and the south capitol entrance will be remodeled.

“Both of these projects are significant due to their visibility to the public, but the entrance remodeling will actually affect how the public and employees can access the building during the construction phase,” Director of Facility Management John Boyle stated.

South Capitol Sign Replacement Project
The south capitol sign replacement project will begin today. Plans indicate that the project will be finished by the end of the year.

The current state capitol sign has been in place since the 1960s and has seen significant erosion and discoloration. The new sign will be larger and composed of granite and limestone. It will be located between the current sign and the Prairie Family statue.

South Capitol Entrance Remodeling Project
The south capitol entrance remodeling project has already begun with preliminary planning. The architectural team will present schematic designs to the Capitol Grounds Planning Commission in October 2019. Construction will begin in April 2020, with plans to finish by the end of that year.

During the construction phase of the south capitol entrance remodeling project, the public will be asked to use a different entrance. State employees will not be able to use the south entrance either, and will be provided with a new fire evacuation plan to utilize during construction.

“The updates to the south entrance will allow the state capitol building to be more accessible to the public,” Boyle added. “This entrance has not been changed since the capitol building was constructed in 1934.”

The south capitol entrance remodeling project will include the removal of the existing tunnel and drive lanes that lead to the entrance, a redesign of the interior to include an area for citizens to conduct business with the state, the addition of an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) pathway leading to the entrance, and landscaping enhancements.